The publication of vacancies in the temporarily occupied territories not controlled by the governments of Ukraine, and vacancies in Russia, Belarus, Venezuela and Cuba has been temporarily suspended. This list may change in the event of changes in international sanctions against these countries or companies imposed by the US, Canada, the EU, or other countries.

As a responsible job search platform, Jooble recognizes the importance of promoting economic development while upholding ethical standards. Considering the ongoing military conflicts involving Ukraine and our commitment to supporting its interests, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend the posting of job vacancies in territories not controlled by the Ukrainian government, as well as in Russia and Belarus.

Job postings play a crucial role in driving economic growth. However, in light of the conflicts and geopolitical concerns, we believe it is essential to refrain from contributing to the economies of countries and regions engaged in military conflicts with Ukraine. This decision underscores our dedication to maintaining the long-term stability and prosperity of Ukraine.

By extending the temporary suspension to include Belarus, Jooble demonstrates its principled stance against inadvertently supporting economies involved in conflicts with Ukraine. While we acknowledge the significance of the job market in driving progress, our commitment to prioritizing Ukraine's welfare takes precedence over immediate economic benefits.

Jooble remains fully committed to supporting a robust job market within Ukraine and acting in accordance with our values. The decision to suspend job postings in not controlled by the governments of Ukraine, as well as in Russia and Belarus reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering an environment that nurtures economic growth and stability throughout Ukraine.

Job posting Suspended Temporarily occupied territories Not controlled by governments Ukraine Russia Belarus Venezuela Cuba Employment restrictions Conflict zones War Geo-political situation Regional limitations Job market restrictions Political instability Sanctions impact Territorial disputes Employment policies International relations Geographic restrictions Security concerns Geo-economic factors